Fighting Back...And Winning!

- Hair Loss
Causes of Severe Hair Loss
A genetic predisposition to thin hair or baldness is the number one cause of hair loss. This can cause thinning hair with age, bald spots, or excessive thinning near the crown of the head.
Some medical conditions can thin hair. Hormonal or thyroid issues can result in hair loss. Malnutrition can throw your body into chemical imbalance, disrupting your hair's growth cycle.
Intense medications such as cancer treatments and chemotherapy drugs cause severe hair loss. Occasionally other drugs such as birth control pills or high blood pressure medication can cause hair loss.
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- Hair Thinning
Causes of Thinning Hair
A genetic predisposition to thin hair or baldness is the number one cause of thin hair. This can cause hair to simply grow finely, or hair to thin with age.
Using chemicals and heat to style your hair can also cause thinning of hair. If you often color your hair or use intense heat to style, this can cause damage to your hair's cuticle, resulting in your hair getting weaker and thinner.
Stress, poor diet, and malnutrition can be contributing factors to losing your hair as well.
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- The Results
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How We Help
Our FastClip™ Hair Extensions and Toppers are the perfect way to add lushness and thickness to your hair while you undergo treatment, without the commitment of damaging glue-in or metal crimp systems. Check out these two videos as just a sample of how we can help!